Importance Of Functional Skills

Even though we might not believe it, we actually use English and maths every day! We use English when writing messages or emails, when talking to a customer on the phone, or reading a text and application form. We use maths when we want to tell the time, when working out how much something costs, or the amount of each ingredient we need when cooking. We use them every day, so understanding how to use them is hugely important! Functional skills can help build your confidence, knowledge, and skills in these areas.

Functional skills are also equivalent qualifications to GCSEs, so if you don’t have a GCSE, then they could be for you!

Whether you found school tricky or you left without getting your GCSEs, functional skills is a great choice, as these courses are shorter than typical GCSE’s and you can learn in in the best way for you. You may want to study at home, have some 1-2-1 support, or attend an intensive course, we offer flexible options to suit your individual learning style.

Getting your English and maths will also help with training and employment opportunities.

Most employers require a C grade or level 4 at GCSEs, so if you achieve your level 2 English and maths, then these will be accepted by almost all employers and help you progress in your career. They will also help with training opportunities, like apprenticeships, as most of these require English and maths, so having your functional skills will really benefit you. If you are already in your chosen career, then you can still use English and maths every day, for example, to help write project plans or manage the budgets of a business.  

Functional skills are for all levels, abilities and learning styles, so why not sign up for a course today!

Upskilling through short courses

What is Upskilling?

It sounds a technical word, but really, it just means taking the opportunity during your course or employment to continue to improve your skills.

For example, if you are completing a Kickstart role, but already have a GCSE in English and maths, you could choose to ‘upskill’ to progress your knowledge in English and maths. This would follow the same route as other functional skills, and you can choose how you would like to complete this. You may want to upskill at home with self-study or attend an intensive course.

Employers and training providers want staff and students who are engaged and take a pride in their life, work and learning. If you choose to upskill, this is one way to show your commitment to your role and development! Ask you training provider or employer about upskilling and see what options they have.